Peep this kids. It's An article on 'Digital Drugs' from your friends and mine over at Wired.
Go ahead, I'll wait here....
For those of you too damn lazy to follow the jump and read roughly 4 paragraphs, lemme sum it up for ya:
Disclaimer: anything lost in traslation is your own fucking fault
Apparently the latest kick for kids is getting high off of certain mp3s through their headphones. Said 'music' can apparently be found, you guessed it, on youtbe. BUT, just the first one, after that you gota ta pay up. That oh so deicious 'first taste' that so many empires peddling the vices of mankind have been founded upon. "Nah, it's cool man, your first one's on the house" How many pitiful motherfuckers have heard THAT fateful line? But I digress.
So this music (actually binaural beats, also know as binaural tones; a long understood concept in the scientific world and never once actually mentioned in the article) supposedly is capable of inducing the euphoric feeling commonly known to folks throughout the ages as getting high. The name they have given to this little phenomenon is i-dosing. Ok, let me just say that at this moment, the article had my attention. Yeah, I was all ears chief. Fill me in, drop it on me, put a brotha in the loop goddamn it!
And right about there, it all went sideways. Our little slice of actually useful information skidded off the rails and went ass over tits into yet another terrifying example of your tax dollars hard at very narrow-minded work. Honestly, these quotes are worth the price of admission alone:
"Kids are going to flock to these sites just to see what it is about and it can lead them to other places,” Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs spokesman Mark Woodward told News 9.
Even better:
"Oklahoma’s Mustang Public School district isn’t taking the threat lightly, and sent out a letter to parents warning them of the new craze. The educators have gone so far as to ban iPods at school, in hopes of preventing honor students from becoming cyber-drug fiends, News 9 reports."
Yeah, just chew on that for a minute. It's cool, read them a few times if you need to digest.
Cool, welcome back to those of you who utilized 3 minutes of personal commitment to actually reading the Wired article. You should be commended. Besides, there is no way I could adequately express just how batshit those peope sounded in a summarizing one-liner. You guys know what I'm sayin... :high five
So.... I don't even know what to say at this point. I mean, I have a diatribe brewing in my skull to be sure but, the quittin' time bell isn't leaving me the adequate amount of time to fully address this shit right now. So, assuming I still give a damn later, you'll get to listen to my drivel in part II. Until then, party on Wayne.
Comments welcome....