Friday, July 22, 2011

The second coming..... maybe

It's a tale as old as time....
  • Boy has friends
  • Boy and friends get shit-faced
  • Shit-faced boys decide to document their journey
  • Shit-faced boy makes a couple entries
  • Boy gets distracted, loses focus on documenting
  • Friend asks Boy "hey, what the hell ever happened to that journal you were blah blah blah-ing?"
  • Boy says he's been a worthless, lazy douche and vows to revive it

You know, that same old song and dance.

I suppose it's time to either resuscitate this shiftless heap or let it die a proper quick and painless death.  Well..... Fuck Em, nothing in my life ever goes down quick and painless and I'll be damned if this pile of shit will get the pleasure.  So, I suppose we'll give this thing another ride and let's see if we can keep the wheels under it this time.