Friday, December 28, 2012

Frosty Skunk

Spent a cold day gettin' skunked on the Gunpowder River with my dad. All the gear Santy Clause brought worked perfectly though.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A run in with the other white meat

So a pork loin and I did a little dance tonight....

.. And I tore that shit up.

You wish you'd been there to taste this. Pork loin with garlic and rosemary.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Not a bad way to spend the weekend

Fry up a little breakfast....

Orient Ray on center-polished bracelet

....and then slice the workweek off my face.
Merkur 180 & Friends

Casual Friday

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Version 3.0 aka Failure to Launch

I guess we all see how well the second coming worked out.... 

Now it's time for the 2012 installment of get my shit together and use this damn thing.  I think it's time to diversify my portfolio since random brain-dumping clearly didn't work out.  I'll still wouldn't get your hopes up for any clear and concise, singular focus type of thing.  I guess I should touch on things I spend my time obsessing about at least, it seems to work for millions of other digi-drivvlers.  Maybe I'll talk about watches, maybe I'll talk about fly-fishing.  Shit, I may just mention how fucking great my car sounds that day.  I suppose we'll see.